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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Obesity Help

Obesity Help – What’s the problem?
So many people are looking for obesity help, only to be bombarded with diet fads, unwanted advice, and judgment from others. It is obvious why so many people are looking for help. According to the American Obesity Association, obesity causes at least 300,000 excess deaths each year in the United States and 100 billion dollars in health costs. Developing countries as well as those countries in the world that are more industrialized have increasing rates of obesity in their populations due to eating patterns and unhealthy lifestyle choices.

In its simplest form, obesity is an excess of body fat. It frequently results in significant health problems. Finding help is so very important because obesity is associated with more than thirty medical conditions.1

Obesity Help – What can I do?
What are some things a person can do to combat obesity and find obesity help and support?

* Learn or develop a nutritional eating plan and be disciplined to implement it.
* Select foods that are full of nutrients and have lower amounts of calories. Avoid sweets, soda, and starches.
* Make exercise a daily part of your life.
* Avoid skipping meals.

Obesity Help – A personal story
As a child, I remember getting warnings from my parents: “Slow down! Chew your food!” “Just one helping! If you continue to eat like that, you’ll look just like so and so.”

At an early age, I figured out that there was a sense of comfort in eating. I’d buy a donut with my milk money or sneak graham crackers during my younger siblings and mom’s nap. On and on it has gone through the years. Perhaps you can identify with me.

I have been known to avoid attending family reunions or get-togethers because of my weight. I have lost weight and I have gained weight. I have dieted and I have binged. However, I don’t binge anymore and I don’t “diet” anymore. What’s my secret?

What works for me is to be balanced in what foods I eat and to make exercise a priority. Food is not like drugs or alcohol, we can’t just quit eating. We have an ongoing 24/7 relationship with it. However, I have learned that God’s principles apply to food just like everything else.

For so long, I didn’t know what satisfied meant, so now when I sit down to eat, I ask God to please show me, to make me aware when I had eaten enough and not go beyond that. Going beyond satisfied is what gets me in trouble. . .and that goes to all areas of my life. God is very faithful and that works when I apply it.

The most important thing that has worked for me is take that part of me to God first. Whether it’s reading the Bible or praying, I feast on Him.

It’s God or food, it’s God or money, it’s God or me.

Obesity Help – Changing our outlook
Can you identify with the story above? Perhaps food has become a way to comfort yourself -- a way to heal your emotions. So often, comfort-eating prevents us from learning ways to resolve issues. Changing our thinking is crucial. Consider these tips:

* Pray before eating. Ask God to tell you when you have eaten enough.
* Eating until satisfied requires eating more often. Don’t be surprised if you are eating every two hours or so when stopping at satisfied.
* Preparing food ahead of time helps ensure balanced eating habits.
* Pray for discipline in your eating and exercise habits.
* Thank God for creating your body (1 Corinthians 3:16-17).

Perhaps you are wondering how God fits into obesity help. Isn’t losing or maintaining weight accomplished through our own will and determination? I have found that it isn’t. When we rely on God’s help, we are much more apt to succeed.


  1. Through this article reminder to me again. In addition to exercise and diet to lose weight other, more important is that we got to be the correct way of thinking.

    For example, often ask why we should lose weight? The sake of our own health in order.

    It makes me feel happy and more wonderful thing is to allow God to participate in your weight-loss campaign. I think this is a lot of people can not think of it?

    Friends Do you think this method useful?This method would be more effective, right?

  2. but,nowadays people in the globalization not really believe in Gods.What is the meaning of Gods?How to give them awareness about the Gods.In chinese culture,some of them believe in Gods and some of them just said it and not really believe it.They cannot feel the Gods around the world which it we cannot see it by yours eyes.It is because last time i am is buddha but now when i study the bible is crucial to me.

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