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Monday, March 8, 2010

What Are The Major Causes Of Child Obesity?

Sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits are the most prominent factor causing child obesity. Low physical activity makes child more capable of storing fat. Due to lack of physical activity they burn fewer calories than what they consume. So to accelerate calorie burn, they need to take active part in outdoor games and sports. Diet is another factor that must be taken into consideration. Low fat, low sugar diets have proved to be safer and healthier food for growing children.
Overweight is a serious problem of appetite regulation and energy metabolisms affected by a combination of genetic, social, cultural, economic, psychological and environmental factors. Obesity which is defined as a chronic, degenerative disease that debilitates individuals is on the rise among children. Being overweight is directly related to diabetes, high BP, heart disease, cancers, gall bladder disease, gout and osteoarthritis. Fatty lesions can develop into atherosclerosis in children as young as three years old! Children eat more but there has been a decrease in active lifestyle. Lack of physical activity is the main factor in causing obesity. One-fourth of the children already have the cholesterol levels of 170 or more. Children spend more time in passive TV watching, computer, videogames. Making your child free from obesity requires two measures
1. Low fat, low sugar diet2. Encouraging an active lifestyle.
More fruits and vegetables should be included in child's diet. Consuming fruits and vegetables can reduce the incidence of heart disease by 31%, heart strokes and stomach cancer by 19% and lung cancer by 20%. Vegetable salads and fruit juices are healthy choices and contain vital vitamins and nutrients.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.
Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.


  1. Obesity also problem for adults. They also have same causes like lack outdoor activity, often eat fast food. Adults and children now day are busy. They are no time to take healthy and normal daily food.You have any idea?

  2. yes.I agree with you because nowadays many people are eating outsides compare at house. It is because no time to cooking or even cooking nobody want to eat.They fell eating ousides is very delicious but is no very healthier food.In contrast, cooking food at house is very healthier food.
